Reves de fluers (Flower Dreams)


BRAND NEW DIGITAL PTU (PAID TO USE) MEGA KIT: Rêves de fleurs (Flower Dreams).

Personal Use only (PU) 100+ PNG Elements & 15+ JPG Papers, Created at 300 DPI. Taggers Size. 900x900 Papers. Also included is a PU Art Deco Page for Personal Use.

A friend, Pammy recently reached out to me wondering if I could make a kit inspired around an artists work, oh how I love that when I love the artwork, as inspiration is always easy when it's a fantastic artist. One look at the image, and the ideas that I've have been flying around in my ribcages and ripping out my heart flew right into inspiration through my own art. If anyone wants to know exactly what artist inspired my creativity, it would be "Fluer" a Goldwasser Artwork Peice. Visit here:

This kit's creativity took me different places, but something more close to home. It's a kit about change, the freedom that is fire inside of me, a changeling swapped at birth. She was royalty of fae blood, she'd been called many things, witchy, wolf, sucubus, warrior, cougar, gypsy, wildling for she didn't fit in cages, she could see things other couldn't, the vibrations of life and she belonged of nature with wildflowers, twigs in her hair, sparks in her eyes of magic she attempted to hide. She wanted to be unoticed but she was soft, beautiful and she was home. She is made of magic.

Clusters coming soon. All my Clusters are PU only. You can not remove my watermarks. What can you use PU clusters for? You can add an artists work with a license and your name, print personal use greeting cards with my shop linked for personal use, like an event with no moneitary means being made. All PU kit & cluster rights are owned by Gothic Inspirations Digital Graphics & Designs.

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  • Manufactured by: Gothic Inspirations

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This product was added to our catalog on Friday 09 July, 2021.

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